Friday, February 12, 2010

There are still a FEW nice locals left in Asheville, Woohoo

Oh my god, there are still a few nice locals in Asheville.

I was done getting my car done and decided to go shopping. I went into this store. Well, it's been there for awhile but won't be there much longer.

While I was in there there were two older ladies talking story to each other. They worked there. At first i was paying no attention to what they were gabbing about for the most part, but then it starts to peak my interest
They were talking about how men cheat on women and they started to talk about all the crap that the wives of Tiger Woods and John Edwards was going thru. I had some friends who's spouses cheated on them, and seeing their pain, makes me NOT want to ever endorse that sort of behavior.

Well, we started talking about all sorts of other stuff, and one lady mentioned her older brother thought this town was going to the dogs too, and then they mentioned all these clubs I did not even know about that existed awhile ago... they sounded GREAT!

But then I mentioned how very few good clubs if any, now exist and we all agreed! It's become a big of a weirdo's haven in this town.... imho... But about 10-15 years ago, we had the BEST clubs to go out to...

There was COWBOY'S over on Tunnel Road... I even saw a bunch of famous country western stars there... Sammy Kershaw was one of them, and so many other places I could mention I used to have a GREAT time at!

They both admitted their family members also went out these clubs like every weekend.....
The Cowboy's used to be a private club.. you paid like $25 for a year's membership and then didn't have to pay EACH time you entered the club! That was good.

I literally hate these damn clubs where you pay $5-$10 every time you step thru the door and they act like you are a bag lady or something if you decided you don't WANT to enter their club and pay a $5er or $10er, just to get inside!

Sorry, The Garage, but there are times your music or atmosphere is just not that great, and I don't want to pay money up front just to go inside and waste what I could spend on groceries, or a 6 pack of beer, or even a beer or two at another club.

But it was fun to discuss all this stuff with those two ladies, and I realized, I really miss meeting those type of people. People who you don't even know and can have a long-winded conversation about all kinds of stuff, and when you are done, you feel like you made some new friends.

You see, that's what Asheville USED to ALWAYS be like.. Prettty friendly down-to-earth people.... they were not rich or anything or carried on airs like 95% of the people I meet nowadays in this town. They were nice folks here in Asheville a long time ago.. well, maybe NOT that long ago.... but they are few & far between now.
I went into another store after that.. it had crafts.. I remember going into the little shop down in the Village that has all this all these neat Thomas Kinkade paintings and some Kinkade crafts like music boxes, wreaths, even nite lights! The night lights were NEAT! And they were only $15 to boot too! Not bad for a beautiful miniature of one of Kinkake's paintings, who's world-famous!

Anyway.. this guy brought in all these "flowers" made out of cat food can lids! I'm not sure I found them really "attractive", maybe they were interesting, but he also had night lights he made.. though they were not made out of glass, like Thomas Kinkade's were, they were paper mache! I bet they were AT LEAST $15 though! The stuff in that shop is NOT cheap!

He seemed a bit full of himself, to be honest, I felt stupid after he walked in there, but I graduated with a Degree in Fine Arts, & I am an artist, so I don't know WHY I have to be made to feel inferior as an artist, to a guy who makes flowers out of cat food lids! Rotflol.... but that's Asheville for ya now!

That's my point! All these half-arses "artists" and musicians who think they are god's gift to mankind!

It's funny, cuz I've played music with people who actually played in symphonies and actually made a living as a musician, but then I've played music with people who just did it for a hobby here in Asheville, and the Asheville musicians ALWAYS thought they were better than everyone else!
The guy who played for a symphony NEVER made us feel inferior as musicians....ever! He was fun to play with!

Asheville used to be filled with nice folks, but no more... I think maybe, all the nice folks just stay HOME now.. cuz like me, they're tired of being mistreated when they go out in public!

Well, it was nice to meet some friendly people for a change! I'm kinda sad they are not staying in business, but that's how many of the businesses in town are going...... there's not enough business to keep them in business!

That's sad.. but when I think of the businesses that are doing well...... The Orange Peel, Green Life, it also makes me sad, as so many times I've gone into their businesses & stores and have not been treated well!

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